Downloadable Books
Burhan Al-Aarfeen (Urdu & English) copies are available to purchase. Please contact us if you wish to make a purchase.
The original Urdu version was written by Maulana Allama Abdur Rauf Naqshbandi Saifi and was published in Pakistan in 2014. The English translation of this blessed book was published in 2017 under the supervision of Khalifah Muhammad Zia Ahmed Saifi.
The book is a "True Gem" and discusses the following topics in the light of The Qur'an Shareef, Hadith Mubarak and the sayings of the Awliyah Kiraam RA:
Need for a Murshid;
Oath of Allegiance (Bait);
Contact with the Shaikh;
Etiquettes for the Murshid;
The Four Golden Chains;
The types and the virtues of Zikr;
What are Lataa'if;
What is Nafs and its types;
What is Wajd;
Intelligence & Discovery..... and much more....
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